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If you accept all the praise, you have to accept all the critics.

– Chris Brogan, famous blogger

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“My goal is to find a natural solution for the challenges associated with fine and thin-looking hair.” Eva Graham, Founder – Nioxin Research Laboratories, Inc. Our founder’s goal became the corporate goal for Nioxin. For more than fifteen years, we have worked at unraveling the complex problem of how best to address and most importantly…



At Moroccanoil, our passion is empowering beautiful transformations. We started with the original Moroccanoil Treatment which revolutionized the haircare industry. We built our reputation on positive word of mouth from runways to salons to editorial spreads. Our antioxidant infused, nutrient rich, innovative formulas are unmatched and provide dramatic results. That is why salon-exclusive Moroccanoil is…


Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell is (and always will be) dedicated to making our world a more beautiful place. We were the first professional beauty company to stand up against animal testing, and we’ve long been a leader in the global effort to protect consumers from tampered products. It’s easy to see that our commitment to caring for…


Keratin Complex

Keratin Complex has changed the beauty industry – starting with our “signature” Smoothing Therapy and continuing with a complete range of products and styling tools. Since our launch in 2007, Keratin Complex has led the way with innovative technology and amazing results. It is no wonder Keratin Complex is now the leading smoothing system in…


Fairy Tales Hair Care

Naturally Caring for Families since 1999! That is what Fairy Tales Hair Care is all about and we are so proud to be the first line of hair care for children to provide affordable, superior products for families. Our Rosemary Repel Hair Care line is the first to help prevent head lice using organic herbs…


American Crew

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